Dylan, no where in the article confirms what you suggest in the title and the premise of your speculation such as "Fast-forward to 2021 and there are no tape outs" is factually incorrect since Synopsys did confirm tapeout of 3nm silicon by Samsung Foundry. Are you bothered to edit your article or scrap it all togther?

For Fred Chen & Daniel Nenni, could you at least care enough to check facts before you post this kind of article as an "interesting" read & upvote it as if they were factually correct on your forum?

I understand Nenni is biased for one reason and others, but if you are intended to continue questioning the "trust" issue of Samsung Foundry, you shouldn't be the one who creates the very perception by spreading misinformation.

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See the update. Officially it is now 2023 as per Samsung.

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Synopsys press release was after the article was released. Additionally, the article is about Samsung Foundry. Meaning external fabless customers ordering chips. Internal usage does not apply. I have edited it to make that more clear.

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