This year SemiAnalysis and Doug O'Laughlin of Fabricated Knowledge will be launching a new podcast called Transistor Radio. Our first episode will be a conversation about the 2022 semiconductor market. We are planning on diving into many subsegments and our thoughts on each of these markets.
The webinar will be live at 9:30PM GMT, 4:30PM EST.
A podcast will be great outlet for discussing our view on the industry that don’t make it into articles. The content on SemiAnalysis is full stories, and what I find interesting the industry, but I rarely do news tidbits here. You can find that news everywhere, no point in full articles. Meaningful stories are done here, but that means you miss our opinion on many news items.
General projections on broader markets, off the cuff opinions, and general week to week excitement doesn’t flow through to SemiAnalysis as much, so look to the podcast for that. The goal is to have new podcast episodes bi-monthly focused on a chip chat about semiconductor news that happened over the last 2 weeks.
This is a long form formal project between Doug and I and we encourage you to witness the raw energy we feed off from each other. It’s gonna be two semiconductor loving nerds discussing the most important industry in the world at a granular detail!
For those who are interested in listening to our first podcast live - feel free to register for the webinar.
Hello good day Dylan, I would like to know if you’ll upload the webinar on any podcast service or YouTube to anyone who didn’t manage to attend live. Thank you and have a nice day/evening.